Building a Scalable Business through Outsourcing: Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs

21.05.24 03:24 PM By Operacy

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, building a scalable business is more important than ever. Entrepreneurs must be able to adapt to changing market conditions, expand their customer base, and maximise their resources to remain competitive.

Maximising Cost Savings: How Entrepreneurs are Building Scalable Businesses through Outsourcing in the Philippines

One of the key advantages of outsourcing is cost savings. A study by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals found that 85% of companies that outsourced experienced positive results and reported that outsourcing allowed them to focus on their core competencies.

By outsourcing non-core functions, such as accounting, customer service, and IT, entrepreneurs can save on overhead costs and free up resources to focus on core business activities. This is particularly true when outsourcing to the Philippines, where labour costs are significantly lower than in Australia. For example, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the average hourly wage for an office worker in Australia is around AUD 31, while in three Philippines, it's around USD 5. This cost differential allows entrepreneurs to stretch their resources further and invest more in their core business activities.

Strategies for Building a Scalable Business: Lessons from Australian Entrepreneurs who have Successfully Outsourced to the Philippines

While cost savings are a significant advantage of outsourcing, it's not the only factor that contributes to building a scalable business. Successful entrepreneurs also recognise the importance of developing a sound outsourcing strategy that is aligned with their business goals. This involves identifying the right outsourcing partner, setting clear expectations, and establishing effective communication channels. Entrepreneurs who have successfully outsourced to the Philippines emphasise the importance of building long-term partnerships based on trust and mutual understanding.

Case Study: Bubblefish Media

Bubblefish Media is a digital marketing agency based in Australia that specialises in website design, SEO, and social media marketing. The company has a team of designers, developers, and marketers in Australia and the Philippines, where it has been outsourcing since 2015. According to Bubblefish Media's CEO, Matt Owens, outsourcing to the Philippines has allowed the company to offer more competitive prices to its clients, which has helped it to expand its customer base. Owens also emphasised the importance of clear communication and transparency in outsourcing relationships, which has helped to build trust between his Australian and Filipino teams.

From Startup to Scale-up: A Case Study of an Australian Entrepreneur's Successful Outsourcing Journey

For startups, outsourcing can be a key strategy for building a scalable business from the ground up. By outsourcing non-core functions, startups can free up resources to focus on product development and customer acquisition. One Australian entrepreneur who has successfully leveraged outsourcing to build a scalable business is Alex Cleanthous, founder of Web Profits, a digital marketing agency. In an interview with Dynamic Business, Cleanthous stated that outsourcing enabled him to scale his business quickly and efficiently, allowing him to compete with larger, more established players in the industry. Cleanthous emphasised the importance of finding the right outsourcing partner who shares your vision and values, as well as setting clear expectations and providing ongoing support and feedback.

Key Considerations for Australian Entrepreneurs Working with the Philippines: Maximising the Benefits of Outsourcing

While outsourcing to the Philippines offers significant cost savings and other benefits, it's important for Australian entrepreneurs to be aware of the potential risks and challenges associated with outsourcing. One of the main challenges is cultural differences, which can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings. It's essential for entrepreneurs to invest time and resources in building strong relationships with their outsourcing partners, which involves understanding their culture and values, as well as establishing effective communication channels.

The Importance of Communication in Outsourcing: Best Practices for Entrepreneurs Working with the Philippines

Effective communication is essential for building strong outsourcing relationships and maximising the benefits of outsourcing. This involves establishing clear lines of communication, setting expectations, and providing ongoing feedback and support. It's also important to be aware of cultural differences and to adapt your communication style accordingly. Successful entrepreneurs who have outsourced to the Philippines emphasise the importance of investing time and resources in building strong relationships with their outsourcing partners, which involves regular communication and feedback.

From Ideation to Implementation: Best Practices for Building a Scalable Business through Outsourcing in Australia and the Philippines

Building a scalable business through outsourcing requires a comprehensive and strategic approach. The process begins with ideation, where entrepreneurs identify opportunities to outsource non-core functions and develop a plant maximise the benefits of outsourcing. This involves identifying the right outsourcing partner, setting clear expectations, and establishing effective communication channels.

Once a plan is in place, implementation is the next critical step. This involves working closely with your outsourcing partner to ensure that your goals are aligned and that your outsourcing partner has the resources and capabilities to deliver on your expectations. It's important to provide ongoing feedback and support to your outsourcing partner, as well as to monitor progress and adjust your strategy as needed.

One best practice for building a scalable business through outsourcing is to invest time and resources in building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner. This involves regular communication and feedback, as well as an understanding of cultural differences and a willingness to adapt your communication style accordingly. Successful entrepreneurs who have outsourced to the Philippines emphasise the importance of treating their outsourcing partners as an extension of their own team, rather than as a separate entity.


In today's fast-paced business environment, building a scalable business is essential for long-term success. Outsourcing is one strategy that has proven to be highly effective in achieving this goal, particularly when it comes to building a scalable business. By outsourcing non-core functions, entrepreneurs can free up resources to focus on core business activities and maximise their return on investment.

Successful entrepreneurs who have outsourced to the Philippines emphasise the importance of developing a sound outsourcing strategy that is aligned with their business goals. This involves identifying the right outsourcing partner, setting clear expectations, and establishing effective communication channels. It's also important to invest time and resources in building strong relationships with your outsourcing partners, which involves regular communication and feedback, as well as an understanding of cultural differences and a willingness to adapt your communication style accordingly.

Finally, building a scalable business through outsourcing is a complex and challenging process, but it can be highly rewarding for entrepreneurs who are willing to invest time and resources in developing a sound outsourcing strategy. By following best practices and learning from successful entrepreneurs who have outsourced to the Philippines, Australian entrepreneurs can leverage outsourcing to build scalable businesses and compete in today's rapidly changing business landscape.