Pros and Cons of Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Bookkeeping

21.05.24 04:01 PM By Operacy

Bookkeeping is an essential task for any business. According to a report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the percentage of businesses outsourcing bookkeeping tasks increased from 34% in 2011-12 to 41% in 2018-19. However, bookkeeping tasks can be time-consuming and complex, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. To overcome this challenge, many businesses are turning to virtual assistants to handle their bookkeeping needs. However, like any business decision, there are pros and cons to hiring a virtual assistant for bookkeeping.



Hiring a virtual assistant for bookkeeping can be a cost-effective option compared to hiring a full-time employee. This is because virtual assistants are often workers typically paid on a project or hourly basis, which can be more affordable than paying for a full-time employee's salary, benefits, and other expenses.


By outsourcing bookkeeping tasks to a virtual assistant, businesses can save time and focus on other important tasks. This can help businesses become more efficient and productive, as they can allocate their time and resources to more critical areas of operating the business.

Increased accuracy:

Virtual assistants are trained to make companies conduct thorough bookkeeping, ensuring that the information provide is accurate and reliable. This can help businesses avoid costly mistakes and maintain compliance with Australian tax laws and regulations.


Virtual assistants can bring specialised skills and expertise to the table, such as knowledge of Australian tax laws and regulations. This can be particularly valuable for businesses that do not have in-house expertise in bookkeeping or tax accounting. Access to global talent: Virtual assistants can be located anywhere in the world, giving businesses access to a wider pool of talent. This ability can be particularly useful for businesses that operate in remote or rural areas where it may be difficult to find qualified bookkeepers.

Reduced overheads:

Virtual assistants work remotely, which eliminates the need for office space and equipment. This can help businesses reduce their overhead costs and save money in the long run. Scalability: Virtual assistants can scale up or down based on the needs of the business, for example, making it easier to manage fluctuating workloads. This can be particularly useful for businesses that experience seasonal peaks and troughs in their bookkeeping requirements.

Increased efficiency:

By outsourcing bookkeeping tasks, businesses can improve their overall efficiency and productivity. This can help them become more competitive and achieve their business goals.

Focus on core value of business:

Outsourcing bookkeeping tasks to a virtual assistant allows businesses to focus on their core competencies. This can help them better serve their customers and grow their business.

Reduced risk of errors:

Virtual assistants are trained to be thorough and precise, which can reduce the risk of errors and costly mistakes in bookkeeping. This can help businesses maintain compliance with Australian tax laws and regulations, and avoid penalties and fines.


Communication challenges:

Working with a remote virtual assistant can present communication challenges, especially if there is a language or time zone barrier. This can make it difficult for businesses to effectively communicate their bookkeeping needs and expectations to the virtual assistant team.

Lack of physical presence:

Virtual assistants work remotely, which means they are not physically present in the office. This can make it more difficult for businesses to build a strong working relationship with the virtual assistant and may make it more difficult for employees to monitor their work.

Trust issues:

Trust can be an issue when working with a virtual assistant, especially when sensitive financial information is involved. Businesses need to ensure that they are working with a trustworthy and reliable virtual assistant who adheres to strict security measures and protocols. Security concerns: Outsourcing bookkeeping tasks can pose security risks, especially if the virtual assistant company does not adhere to strict security protocols. This can put businesses at risk of financial loss or data breaches.

Quality control:

Businesses must ensure that the virtual assistant is providing high-quality bookkeeping that meets Australian tax laws and regulations. This can be challenging, especially if the user or business owner does not have a background in bookkeeping or tax accounting.

Reliance on technology:

Working with a virtual assistant requires reliance on technology tools, which can be a challenge if there are technical issues. This can include issues with internet connectivity, software compatibility, and other technical challenges that may arise.

Limited control:

Businesses may have limited control over the virtual assistant's work schedule and work environment. This can make it more difficult for users to monitor their work and ensure that they are meeting the business's expectations.

Limited face-to-face interaction:

Working with a virtual assistant can limit face-to-face interaction, which can affect the quality of the working relationship. This can make it more difficult to build rapport and ensure that the virtual assistant is fully engaged with the business or organisation's needs.

Training requirements:

Businesses may need to invest time and resources in training virtual assistants to ensure that they are conducting bookkeeping in line with Australian tax laws and regulations. This process can be particularly challenging for businesses that do not have in-house expertise in bookkeeping or tax accounting.


Virtual assistants may not be available when needed, especially if they are working on multiple projects at the same time. This can make it more difficult for businesses to ensure that their bookkeeping needs are being met in a timely and efficient manner.

Need for clear instructions:

Businesses must provide clear instructions and guidelines to virtual assistants to ensure that they are conducting bookkeeping in line with Australian tax laws and regulations. This can be particularly important for businesses that operate in highly regulated industries or that have complex bookkeeping requirements.


In conclusion, hiring a virtual assistant for bookkeeping comes with both pros and cons. On the positive side, it offers cost-effectiveness, time-saving benefits, increased accuracy, access to expertise, global talent, reduced overheads, scalability, increased efficiency, focus on core business value, and reduced risk of errors. These advantages can help businesses streamline their bookkeeping processes and improve overall productivity.

However, there are also several drawbacks to consider. Communication challenges, lack of physical presence of employees, trust issues, security concerns, quality control, reliance on technology, limited control, limited face-to-face interaction, training requirements, availability, and the need for clear instructions pose potential challenges for businesses working with virtual assistants.

When deciding whether to hire a virtual assistant for bookkeeping, businesses and managers should carefully weigh the pros and cons and consider their organisation with specific needs and circumstances. Clear communication, trust-building measures, and adherence to security protocols can help mitigate some of the challenges associated with working with virtual assistants. Ultimately, finding the right balance between cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and maintaining control over bookkeeping processes will be crucial in making an informed decision.